‘A person who has never made a mistake, never tried anything new’…

‘A person who has never made a mistake, never tried anything new’ (Albert Einstein)

People seem to always be critical for doing something wrong, or not doing it perfectly. I noticed at school, teachers tended to focus on the mistakes and skirt over what you did well. Don’t get me wrong, they were doing it so you’d improve but they cant expect everything to be perfect when its something that you have never experienced before. I’ve also noticed, not all, but some people who have ago at you for making a mistake.. Mistakes are as a result of experimentation, something you’ve never done before, or simply getting the wrong idea/ impression. I’ve made many mistakes in life, and I wouldnt be who I am without them as they help me grow as a person. They made me learn whats right and whats wrong. As humans many of us tend to fall into a rut and make the same mistake over and over again, and people get angry or upset that we have not learnt. Maybe people have to experience things more than once before they finally realise that its not good for them. People just wait for you to slip up, and in life its going it be inevitable because like Einstein rightly points out, people aren’t perfect! I’d just wish they wouldnt be refered to as a mistake, I see them as sometimes important, but non the less learning curves

Friendship is born…

Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: “What! You too? I thought I was the only one.” C.S.Lewis

I may not hold the symbol of popularity, but I pick my friends wisely. I came across this quote and Lewis hit the nail on the head! I get so excited when I find someone who, thinks/feels or even acts/reacts the same way as me.. Common ground in friendship is essential, it makes you feel normal.. To an extent of course.. But common ground isnt everything..Me and my friends have so many similarities, but we also have differences.. The differences are what help you grow as a person. My friends have help mould me into a person more comfortable in my own skin, as they accept me for who I am, and inject me with confidence. People who judge do not matter, they are not worth your time. I dont know what i’d do without out my closest friends, so thank you to all who have helped me through thick and thin.. you know who you are..

“Believe in yourself…

“Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities (Norman Vincent Peale)

Confidence seems to be the one thing which lets many people down. I have the issue of questioning everything I do, and always wonder if it is good enough. I have been told by my friends, family and teachers that I should start believing in myself.. As you have probably also been told… A statement which is easier said than done..Everyone in this world is unique and deserves a chance, but shyness prevent one from striving. Just believe in yourself; because more people believe in you than you think.. They know you can do it! Confidence comes from experience, and can be an easily obtain goal…If you just believe in yourself, you too could strive to be the best! Overcome your fears. I’m working on my confidence issues and i think you should too!.. I believe

Happiness is not something ready made…

Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions. (Dalai Lama)

There are two main things people need in life… LOVE and HAPPINESS. But what makes YOU happy? Money seems to be the center at many peoples problem. We seem to live in a material society, where money is a massive element in peoples lives and it limits people from doing what they want. If  money was no object, what would you do? I would go sky diving and travel the world. If i dont do these things, it doesn’t mean ill be miserable though. It gives me something to aim towards

Simple life changes can help save money. My friend told me how her father got rid of his car, for the simple fact that it drained alot of money. As a result of this decision, it has changed his life dramatically. He is alot healthier, as he now cycles to work and he feels alot happier, living a much more comfortable life with money; which he would have usually put towards the car he can now spend on things that make him and his daughter happy. It is sad how people link money to happiness; because truely all you need is love and support off family and friends.

Life is too Short…

Life is too Short

We all seem to worry about the little things in life..what do I wear? Does my bum look big in this? Will people accept me?! These are some of the questions we ask ourselves, but do we really need these to weigh down our day?

A big element in my life is ACCEPTANCE. I Don’t think I’ll be the only one when I say that I have this feeling to be accepted by everyone I meet. Do we really though? Instead of worrying about what people think of you or whether or not they’ll judge you… Surround yourself with people who you know loves you for who you are. Lets face it; people are judgemental and not everyone will like you. You dont need them weighing down your day with worry. Good friends do not care about your past, about all your mistakes, or about how messy you are.. They accept you for you with no questions asked. So ignore those who hate and focus on those who love having you in their lives…We all have those friends who we can act like complete goofs in front of and they just laugh and join in with the mayhem…